It is always a pleasure to work WITH friends, and a privilege to work FOR friends…especially when initially you met them THROUGH work!
Mino Cinelu’s new music piece “BIO-SPHERE” MARTINIQUE is out, and we have proudly contributed to its design/communication context!
Find it here: www.minocinelu.com
Mino Cinélu has always been inspired by nature in his music: from using its materials to resembling its sounds. His unique soundscapes have been admired by musical legends he worked with, such as Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Toto Bissainthe, and Sting. In his musical journey over the past 40 years, the notion of Biosphere has always been present, either in his trip to the Amazon Rainforest with Sting back in the 80s, or today in creating the anthem for the World Biosphere Reserve of Martinique, his father’s land.