Project Manager
Natalia is an imaginative and creative person with a strong marketing and communications background that derives from her working experiences both in London and in Thessaloniki. She has been involved in various positions related to content creation, copywriting, social media marketing, and event production.
After her initial studies in Digital Culture at King’s College, her Master’s degree in Media and Creative Industries was the biggest inspiration for her to pursue a career within the cultural sector of Thessaloniki. As such, her love of films led her to assist at Thessaloniki International Film Festival and her passion for events as communications manager at SpaceLab. With her amicable and curious personality, she now takes her next step for a journey at SYMVOLI.
When Natalia is not working you will either find her at the movies devouring popcorn or chilling at home with her ginger cat, Ziggy Stardust.
“If you can dream it, you can do it”
Walt Disney