About the Project
11 September – 26 September 2021
Halkidiki, Greece
Organization: ALUMIL
ArXellence 2 is the international architectural ideas competition by ALUMIL. The topic of the competition was the redesign of the western waterfront of Thessaloniki. The 1464 registrations from 90 countries and the 173 submitted proposals, constitute the final report of the competition. The exhibition of ArXellence 2 reflects the global character of ALUMIL’s initiative and presents to the visitor all the final architectural proposals from all over the world, regarding this important area of Thessaloniki.
The exhibition took place in the Digital Transformation and Digital Skills Center (DT&S) – CISCO, between 11 to 26 of September 2021. SYMVOLI | Conference & Cultural Management undertook the exhibition’s production, organization, communication and the design of the parallel events.
In the ArXellence 2 exhibition, the visitor had the opportunity to:

Other parallel events organized by SYMVOLI were:

Sep 11 2021PLACE / VENUE
Digital Transformation and Digital Skills Center (DT&S) - CISCO
1000 participants