We are very happy to announce that our very own Vicky Papadimitriou, Managing Director of SYMVOLI, has been a guest lecturer at the Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops of the HERITAGE, The Heritage Management Organization, entitled Engaging Communities in Cultural Heritage.
The workshop’s objective was to unfold the particularities that surround local communities as important stakeholders for the management of heritage or cultural projects, in the context of the highly culturally significant country of Greece.
The online seminar is part of the Summer Field School Program, a HERITAGE initiative that aims to offer students and professionals the opportunity to develop new skills and expand their knowledge on heritage management through research and good practices.
Vicky, with a strong academic background and professional experience in cultural management, provided insight in the field of festival management in relation to community engagement, and has contributed to the workshop with a presentation on: Festivals: National/State_Regional/Private_Local/Community Mission_Objectives_Characteristics_Challenges
Read all bout the workshop here: https://heritagemanagement.org/training/summer-schools/engagingcommunities/
You can read more about the presentation in the text below!
Festivals: National/State_Regional/Private_Local/Community
Each festival organization is an entity in itself: its mission, objectives, stakeholders, format, and outcome define the core of its identity. And these may differ from National/State to Regional/Private, to Local/Community. By understanding the specific characteristics of each such event, and the parameters that influence its very essence at all stages (initiating – designing – planning – executing – evaluating), one can put into perspective the role of community in different types of festivals.And as festivals around the world become a prevailing element of cultural activity, the key request for community engagement is not always a fact by default. Different festivals entail different challenges in terms of community involvement, different tools to address them, diverse outcomes to expect in different levels of ownership, and participatory approaches. But there is always a way to engage the community, as long as it is set as a primary aspect of any festival!
The Heritage Management Organization (HERITΛGE) was established in November 2008 with the goal of enabling key heritage managers, through targeted training, to independently transform heritage assets from decaying objects of study to dynamic sources of learning, community identity
and economic development. Since its founding HERITΛGE has trained hundreds of individuals and organizations in more than 90
countries and is now on course to impact a quarter of global heritage hotspots by the year 2025.
More about HERITAGE here: https://heritagemanagement.org/